Monthly Archives: July 2020


My thoughts are strictly on today. I want my heart and mind to be in the moment. I spent several days watching the ESPN documentary about Micheal Jordan and the one thing I took away from his story is Micheal Jordan always stayed in the moment. He did not worry about the next shot or the shot he had just taken. He thought only in the present. What a great lesson to live in the present. Today and for the future each day that I arise I will choose to live in the present. Focus on the positive and what I can control about myself. Jeremy Camp has a new song out “Keep me in the Moment.” Let’s pray each day that God will keep our eyes focused on HIM and in the present moment.

James 5:6 “Why you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes.

I pray that you will live in the moment for today and give thanks to God for the time HE has given you.



Below is the video to Jeremy Camp’s song “Keep me in the Moment”