Have you ever just had a pity party? I will be honest I have. I am not proud I have pity parties on occasion but they do happen. God never shows up to join me. God does not want me in a self-induced heart issue of self-pity. I usually come around and tell God I am sorry for not giving HIM all my troubles and I work hard at moving forward and getting out of the pity party pit. The Pity Party Pit really is no fun.
My pity party is just a come home and go to bed party because I got upset things did not go my way or I did not get the answer I wanted.
Then God reminds me of Romans 8:28 “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”
Let’s try to throw away those Pity Parties and have I Believe parties where we proclaim that God is in control and HE will work all things out.
God is powerful!
God is Good!
We have to claim these daily!
So bye-bye pity party I am moving on and upward I hope you will join me.