Category Archives: Uncategorized


Sickness we all have been sick at least once. Then you have those that have a rare disease and are sick everyday. How do those with the rare disease do it? Those that have a rare disease do it one day at a time. You wake up not knowing how you are going to feel.… Continue Reading


Happy Easter!  Easter is the when we celebrate Jesus rising from the Tomb!  Jesus paid the price for all our sins.   He loves us all so much   May you find peace and hope in Jesus.  Here is a couple links to two great churches that have great online services and people you can… Continue Reading

Scratches turn to wounds

The sky is bright blue the breeze crisp as I walk through the woods not aware of the tiny dangers.  As I went deeper into the woods chasing the dog and laughing having fun I got a few scratches.  After a few hours those long red scratches on my arms started to hurt, as I… Continue Reading

Walking…to the Fridge

Sounds easy walking. 5:30 am I wake up I put my feet on the floor and I walk to the refrigerator to eat.   What this time fruit? Oh, I wish.  How about the last piece of pie?  I love pie.  I know the doctor has said no sugar it makes your disease worse but… Continue Reading

On Your Own-Not Really

All the seniors have graduated from high school or college and everyone says “Your own your own!” No your never own your own because God is always with you. God will never leave you. Keep your focus on Jesus. Hebrews 12:2 “Keep your eyes on Jesus. Spend time studying how he lived. Jesus kept the… Continue Reading

Creating websites

My mind is set I want to learn more about creating websites. Well today I have been researching how to create a website or how to update the site I am currently using. The information is a little over whelming at times due to all the options that are out there. I am determined to… Continue Reading

I am back

Life happens so I have not been blogging.  I have been encouraged to start my blog back up so this is my first post in a while. I just wanted you guys to know I will be back up and blogging once a week. Continue Reading

Choosing a sofa

Yes, you read the title correctly it does say choosing a sofa.   I have been in the market for a new sofa and this is what I have learned.   There are Traditional, Loveseat, Sectionals and Convertible Sofas.  Space is the first factor you need to determine before choosing a sofa.   Small rooms… Continue Reading


(I wrote this entry a while back and now decided to share.)  Yesterday was a marvelous day.  I met some wonderful people from out of town and spent the day with my daughter.  In the course of the day GOD’s purpose for our lives was discussed.  Since I have been back home as I have… Continue Reading